Beer Making Equipment Kits

Beer Making Equipment Kits containing all the necessary Equipment to make beer at home; great for beginners. Here we are offering the best value and quality in home beer making or brewing equipment kits for beginners. Before we get started, you have a choice of purchasing a Beer Making Kit with either a glass carboy or a Better-Bottle Carboy. As the owners of this web site we highly recommend the Better-Bottle carboy. There are many stories about how glass carboys are better, etc and that is simply not true. Better-Bottle carboys are every bit as good as glass and in fact much better for several reasons.

1) Safer, safer, safer! If youÂ’ve ever had a glass carboy explode in your hands youÂ’ll attest to this fact. Glass carboys can just explode on you for no apparent reason as has happened with this author. We were simply washing the glass carboy and just spraying water into it and crash. Fortunately, all ten fingers and both hands are still intact.

2) After having made over 1,000 gallons of wine in Better-Bottles, we can attest to the fact that they are every bit as good as glass carboys for storage and ageing. WeÂ’ve aged fine wines for up to 15 months in Better-Bottles with perfect results.

3) We would never consider using glass carboys again as they are dangerous, heavier and prone to cracking and breakage. Better-Bottles are clearly the better choice. As a beginner home beer maker; are you confused? Miffed? Do you have the feeling that with the more research you do on making beer, the more confused you're getting? What do I do? When do I do it and most importantly why do I do it? Carboys, fermenters, spigots, racking tubes, beer making kits, equipment kits, hydrometer, filtering, not filtering, what bottles, cleaning, sterilizing. Where do I begin? Why do I begin? What am I doing here? Read on; it's fun and we'll make it fun. When starting out as a beginner, there are two items you need to make beer at home. The first thing you need is a beer making equipment kit and a beer making ingredient kit. The 'equipment' kit contains all the necessary tools so-to-speak that you'll need and an 'ingredient' kit contains the malt, hops, etc you'll need to make your favorite variety. That's it. Now please keep that in mind and read on. When starting out as a beginner with making your own beer at home, the best place to start is with a beer making equipment kit. These kits are designed with the beginner in mind and supply all the necessary beer making equipment you'll need to start making your first beer making ingredient kit and make that kit with success. You can always add more equipment later on but these beginner beer making equipment kits contain all the necessary equipment. It's everything the beginning beer maker needs to get started. Today's modern beer making ingredient kits (the actual ingredients, eg: pale ale, Irish Stout etc) are designed to make great beer. In fact, it's hard to not make a good batch of beer. To make a bad batch you have to really work hard at it! So, what does all this prove and mean? You're sitting there deciding how to start and what to buy so you can start. Pick a beer making equipment kit below (where the 2 pictures are), either of them as you can add additional equiment later on. Each beer making equipment kit below has all the necessary equipment to make your fist, second and even third batch of great beer and so on. Decide which equipment kit fits your budget, add it to your cart and then come back to this page to select your favorite beginning beer ingredient kit from the following links below (choices 1 thru 5). We have a huge selection of beer making ingredient kits. They're easy to make, they make great beer and are designed so that you can drink them early on (4-6 weeks or so). You've read this far and now you're saying, "I have to decide from all these choices"! Well, we could have just listed one or two links but that wouldn't be fair as we want to provide you with the best selection and best information. Click the first link; if that doesn't do anything for you, close that page out and you'll be right back on this page to select the second choice. When you find one beer making ingredient kit that stands out, add it to your cart and check out; you're done. The hard part is over. In a few days your beer making equipment kit and your beer making ingredient kit will be sitting in your home or office. All you do from there is follow the simple instructions and if at any point, you don't feel 100% confident, simply email us or phone us at 386-409-9100. It doesn't get any easier. And, to be quite honest with you, once you have the equipment and ingredients sitting in front of you, it will all make sense and you'll say, "that's all there is to it". Have fun, enjoy your brew! 1) Brewer's Best Beer Making Ingredient Kit Choice #1 2) Coopers Original Series Beer Making Ingredient Kits Choice #2 3) Thomas Coopers Beer Making Ingredient Kit Choice #3 4) Coopers International Beer Making Ingredient Kit Choice #4 5) True Brew Beer Making Ingredient Kit Choice #5 Have fun as you're on your way! BSG offers a line of beer equipment kits that provide the equipment you need to produce quality beer at home. Kits brew a 5-gallon batch of beer and are easily expandable to grow along with your interests and level of craftsmanship. Starter kits make great gifts for the Holidays, FatherÂ’s Day, Birthdays and College Graduations.

Beer Making Equipment Kits